
Monday, April 1, 2013

if bankers give a haircut to personal bank accounts? they might get their head cut.


Actions have consequences. It is inescapable no matter how wealthy or poor you are. It does not matter what your political office is or social status. Everyone soon pays the price. like karma. What goes around,comes around. The Bankers wanting now to take all the money out of the people’s bank accounts from the holders in the bank will have very disastrous consequences on them. They better pray for what happened in Iceland be their down fall than what happened during the French Revolution.

When we had the war with great Britain. It was a war to break free from not only from king George III. But from the Bank of England that was the force that imposed taxes on the colonist. Our Revolution inspired the French to have their own uprising to break free from their Monarch King Louie. The French people were impoverished and decided to rise up and take back their own dignity as a people. Many Bankers were beheaded along with the King and Queen. When the leaders cause everyone to lose everything staving in the street. The will get very brutal and violent to those responsible.
The coinage act of 1798 had a provision in the law for the penalty of death for debasing the currency. The founders knew the power of the bankers if we allow them to control the currency the the value thereof. Bankers over the centuries have proven to be a menace to a person’s well being wherever they set up shop. When they are caught in stealing the wealth. They are disposed of by the people.

When the bankers were caught by the people. Their end was not pretty. They were hung at the gallows or lost their head at the guillotine. The three rules are, never mess with another man’s wife, do not harm his family and do not mess with his money. Well they messed with a man’s money and that meant the banker faced the consequences when he was caught.

The Bankers may laugh saying they are giving the accounts a haircut. In actuality they are stealing a man’s life’s time taking his savings. When the Parliament of Cyprus said we need the Iceland solution. What happened in Iceland is gentle compared to in centuries past. The Bankers face a not a so happy ending.

So of the bankers think of giving a haircut to anymore bank accounts to cover their loses. They might get their head cut as a favor in return.

1 comment:

  1. Good grief, take a class in spelling and punctuation, OK? Or at least try using spellcheck.
