
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Manufacturing Dissent: the truth about Syria

Manufacturing Dissent is a documentary about the psychological-warfare by the media and political establishment of the west and their allies aimed at facilitating the US, European and Israeli agenda of getting rid of the current Syrian government. It demonstrates how the media has directly contributed to the bloodshed in Syria.

The documentary de-constructs the main allegations those actors have presented, namely that the Syrian government was systematically repressing peaceful protests and that it has lost legitimacy. It shows how such claims are supported by scant evidence and are therefore little more than propaganda to serve the foreign policy interests of their countries.

Manufacturing Dissent includes evidence of fake reports broadcasted/published by the likes of CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera and others and interviews with a cross section of the Syrian population including an actor, a craftsman, a journalist, a resident from Homs and an activist who have all been affected by the crisis.

Produced by journalists Lizzie Phelan and Mostafa Afzalzadeh.

Edited by Lizzie Phelan.

Website for the documentary here designed by Shahinaz Alsibahie.


  1. Hello Richard: I'm a 60yr old (Canadian) kindred spirit of the same ilk, that just became aware of your site...I too, only have Gr.9, as I threw my 'mind-numbing'Prussian-propaganda text books out the window at school & left an abusive patriarchal home forever, the day before I turned 16...needless to say I became a full fledged 'bearded-long-hair' in Nelson BC, where all the Amer./Nixon draft dodgers came to build cabins or TP's out in the woods & grow their own food...the music & the parties on the weekends, bring back fond memories.
    ...My California-Topanga Canyon girlfriend, was paid a visit by the MIB/FBI spooks, at my place while I was day logging...they left... as soon as myself & my 'knarly' buddies showed up- with our rifles hung across the back windows of our 4X4's...turns out she was with Daniel Ellsberg, just before he released the Pentagon shit!
    ...I moved to the west coast, fished & became a classic wood boat restoration/shipwright during the winters...ended up on a 68' 1936 Robert Allen designed-6 cylinder, flat-head/diesel-Teak house & deck -"Meander" that chartered out of False Creek/Granville Is.Vancouver -sunset cruises etc. for the Hollywood North/rock star crowd (They felt safe with us -no loose lips) a good time was had by all for 20yrs.
    ...Thought you might appreciate where I'm coming from, as we entertained ourselves/guests on board with Jimmie Buffet requests, with our acoustic guitars & wrote songs...Speaking of which-I like your drop-D-dirgy -'Sheeple' song which stirred something in me,enough to take my guitar off the wall & join you in that 'harmonic bubble' that transports/transcends, to that beautiful & mysterious oasis in the Heart, that seems to make the vagaries of world come unstuck in time, while floating in that enigmatic -happy-indescribable-feeling/place.(like your vocals on your keyboard vid ,as well)
    ...I've arrived upon the very same 'awakening' epiphanies as you, with regards to the machinations of the reptilian/archon-"Mind-Fkrs" that are socio/psychopathically & ponerologically parasitizing off of us all...I was impressed with the blatant courage & honesty with which you addressed the viability of a 4th dimensional download from the the same crazed (backs-to-the-sun)egoists described in the old testament. I"Grok" with you totally...It's good to know I'm not as alone & conversely, neither are you... linking heart-synapses together & searching for that '100th Monkey' tipping point, to wake the "Looners" up, from this dank & fetid miasma of demonic sorcery of inflicted 'cognitive dissonance' by the "Thought Police"
    ...Go ahead & delete this missive(as it has nothing to do with a response to the daily 'Meme'), as it was just an attempt at personal contact & appreciative affirmation of the music & the fact that you & your aspect of the 'truth' made it this far... intact! (lol)
    -Alex-Prince Rupert BC
    -Good Luck-

  2. Ps...What do you call a naked hippy, sitting up in a tree, having a puff???.............................-branch manager! hahahahahahaha

  3. There is no contratiction between the latest tecs and toys, non at all.
    I liked the notion of "rockhugger" if you follow me. I have hadd jobs on the edge of mettalwork and computer realtime poductions equipment, with aloys as Magnesium. A mettal that is alive, belive me, and can even have PMS, and be grumpy.
    I have runned form my life and jumped behind corners.

    You can mount a live camera in a burd nesting box in a tree or anything realy, and monitore their life and see for your self they children grow, gett reallife realtime, and dont interfeer at all, unless absolutt nescesery.
    I respect life so mutch that I conscuislly always try to tred lightly, respect everything, smile to everything, and everything smiles back.
    And if you realy got the balls, talk to nature, and if you care to listen, she always talks back.
    And what few realise is this, the lesser you think, the better you ability to realize getts, or the intinuitive language emerges, that is a long way to go, a lifetime of efort, but that is our destany as humans.
    That is the gift of death, life, and the path between.


  4. * Love the intrinsic truth...but this is such an obviously contrived 'black-face' parody...written with barely veiled that the desired effect via the 'attempted' use of satire, slipped away, while you were admiring your 'balls'...'Platitudes', are marble, static, nudes, dude....(*google 'perspicacity' for further edification.)
